Meeting the Team:

The North American counterpart of our team finally were able to meet and spend the week together. I will briefly introduce my teammates now, though I'm sure I'll give better introductions when I have gotten to know them a little better.
From left to right, we are: Amanda Coonts from Boise, Idaho, myself!, Chelsea Hasenpflug from Sequim, WA, Eben Allen from Portland, OR, and Ivan Bucher from Homer, AK.
We look forward to meeting Claudia our Venezuelan teammate very soon!
The week focused on four "L's".
1. Love the Lord.
2. Love your team.
3. Launching movements.
4. Learning a new world.
All the things that will hopefully help make us faithfull and successfull in our time on the university in Merida.
We arrived for training with probably around 60-65% of our support collectively. We spent some time together working on phone calls and follow-up with people and saw God do amazing things! In one afternoon we saw our support increase collectively by over $1,000 per month!
As we left at the end of the week we were at about 80% as a team. We must be at 100% to leave for Venezuela, so please keep praying and spreading the word!
We had so much fun getting to know each other throughout the week. One night we spent about 2 hours with bubble gum, just hanging out and goofing around. When I find the photos I will post a few.
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