Monday, August 25, 2008


Several of my worlds collided this morning. I'm still trying to get my bearings and figure out "where and when" I am.

I'm currently in Spokane, Washington, where I attended college. Being here in itself seems a bit out of place and odd, since I am no longer studying or working hear.

Add breakfast with a Venezuelan student and Ivan, my co-team leader from our time in Venezuela this year, and boy was I confused. I definitely had never expected my Spokane world and my Venezuela world to combine!

But wait, that's too simple and boring for me! My life seems to be always full of excitement or drama of sorts...

So, after a collision of breakfast with my Venezuelan world, I headed off for a visit with my Mexico world. For those who are unfamiliar with this part of my past, I spent a month on a mission trip with Whitworth College living and working with a missionary family in Tonalá, Mexico about 4 years ago.

One of my good friends from that time in Mexico has now been living in the US, in Spokane for the last year. I was able to see her for the first time in 4 years, meet her 2 year old and new baby, and enjoy speaking Spanish for a bit.

I left however just feeling out of place and a little unsure of my surroundings. My worlds tend to be very separate. I have my Spain friends, my Spokane friends, my Auburn friends and family, etc. I guess God likes to overlap them from time to time though, maybe just to keep me on my toes!

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