Friday, August 29, 2008

Rosemary French Bread

Today is an exciting and important day for your Sagely One.... drumroll please!

Today I am making bread, for the very first time. I've made practically every other type of pastry or baked item imaginable. (Okay, so maybe I'm exaggerating... but I do have quite a bit of experience with baked goods.) I've wanted to make bread for a long time.

So, today since it was only a measly 100 degrees outside (and in), we decided that it'd be a good day for baking. Yeah, sounds just as crazy as when we came up with the idea.

But, sitting atop the oven rising, is my masterpiece! Rosemary French Bread! I have no idea what the final product will be, but so far so good.


Matt Mikalatos said...

So. Update? How was the bread?

Vida Estudiantil said...

Okay Matt... as per request, the bread was AMAZING! and I have posted a photo!! Check it out!